31 Mayıs 2020 Pazar

Augmented Reality

Hello everyone! The topic that I am going to talk about is Augmented Reality.

Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that reside in the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes across multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory and olfactory. AR can be defined as a system that fulfills three basic features: a combination of real and virtual worlds, real-time interaction, and accurate 3D registration of virtual and real objects.

AR can help teachers to take students' attention to class. ıt provides an effective learning environment in class. There are too many applications for it. One of them is UniteAr and we are going to take a look at it!

30 Mayıs 2020 Cumartesi


Hello everyone!! Today I will mention about Thinglink application which is downloadable on appstore and google play store.

This ThingLink app is free, and it supports annotation of 2D images. Teachers can create images with sound, explain what's in the picture with notes and narration, send instructions for how things work. Students can document nature around them, or tell an engaging story of what they've just learned. So for teachers this app is a Immersive storytelling tool.

ThingLink interactive images can be shared and embedded across the web. Users can access and edit their images on this app or ThinkLink's web service. Thinglink is not just a tool. It is a supportive community designed to provide teachers with rich, interactive experiences that engage learners and immerses them into worlds they may not possibly be able to experience otherwise I also tried to create a Thinglink image about body parts and there is the link of it; https://www.thinglink.com/scene/1323445693108453377

Virtual Reality

Hello everyone!!!
I hope everybody is fine! Now, I am excited and on the verge of informing you about something making me intensely happy. I literally cannot wait for mentioning it. Here is virtual reality for the ones who are willing to not only learn but also live at the same time! Virtual reality is the computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors.Virtual reality, in other words, is the key point of the motivation while being educated.

Virtual reality can be accessed with any kind of technological devices you have such as mobile phone or computer. To exemplify it, suppose that your students Are able to see everything as if they are completely real thanks to 3D virtual reality glasses. The main purpose of this is definitely motivation! Therefore, do your best to bring it to your students!

EdPuzzle, Nearpod and Mindmeister

Hello everyone! Today we have three different applications that are really important for online education.


For teachers, Edpuzzle allows you to make any video your lesson. Embed your own questions, voiceover or audio notes in videos from a wide variety of sources including TED Ed, Khan
Academy and YouTube, or upload your own.Your students will probably love it!
The app for students is perfect for frequently absent students, as they'll be able to complete their video lessons anywhere they go - it's a total game-changer. So having your students download the Edpuzzle app will make them being able to join your flipped classroom anywhere, anytime...


Nearpod is a student engagement platform built to make teaching with technology easy. It's designed to work with any classroom technology, from İPads and İPhones to Macs and Chromebooks. With Nearpod you can control what your students see and get feedback in real-time. Nearpod's formative assessments create a safe environment for students to learn and share. You can create and import your own Google Slides, Powerpoint of PDF lessons in minutes and add interactive activities such as:
VR Field Trips: Take your students anywhere using virtual reality, without leaving your classroom
Time to Climb: Assess student understanding with a game-based activity.
Draw it: hlave students draw, highlight, type, and add pictures on an interactive whiteboard
Collaborate! Board: Create collaborative learning opportunities where students can share ideas in real-time.
Quiz: Assess students' understanding through multiple choice questions and receive instant feedback.
Polis: Highlights student opinions, check for understanding, or provoke discussion. And more...


Whether you're using it in the boardroom, the classroom, the presentation hail, or the lunch meeting,
MindMeister can help you organize, prioritize, and even generate new thoughts. Designed from the ground up as an extension to our award-winning, browser based interface, the MindMeister app stores your mobile creations and seamlessly syncs them with your online account.


Hello again and againnn haha. Today I am going to mention about vidcast which is a helpful tool for education. As teachers we can keep teaching with creating videos via vidcast. It may not be as effective as real classes but we can not deny its impact. Via the app Voki we can create vidcasts fir maximum one minute. But we can make a series of vidcast so this is not a big problem I also tried to create a vidcast. In case you want to watch it I will leave the video below;

Voki - Flipgrid

Hi again! In this blog I am going to talk about two applications Voki and Flipgrid. After downloading Voki app you just start to create your avatar according to your wish. After finishing the details you just click the voice button and start to talk or you can type and it can vocalize it. You can record maximum one minute but if you want you can save the first one and keep talking for another minute and then get them together.


With the Flipgrid you can create or join a class with a code or Qr that is given by the founder of the class. Just like edmodo you can upload you assignments via this app. 
There is my Voki video that I also uploaded to our Flipgrid;

Second Life

I think today's topic 'Second Life' is the most strange tool that I've examined until today. Because it actually is a game... I mean a detailed real game... ıt is an online version of our real lives. I was not able to find IU Virtual Campus [1] I tried really hard to find it I based for help from one of my friends, with her help I was able to find Istanbul Uni Erasmus era on the map... But unfortunately, there was nothing to see. The reason may be my clumsiness I am sorry for that but I visited another Campus [2]. So estimate that if ı could make it ı was going to see an online version of our campus. whatever ı will share the photos below. And when it comes to education; I am not good at games so I could not learn all of its features but I figured out that you can play it online with the ones you know. So I associate it with education in a way... You can assign your students to open an account on Second Life and get together at an exact location and teach a lesson as if you are all in the class just like a real class!!



29 Mayıs 2020 Cuma


Today's tool is STORYBIRD that lets you read and create various stories. You can read or create picture books, long-form stories, comics, flash fictions, and poetries. As teachers, we can create these and give assignments of reading those, we can keep the lesson subjects fresh. personally ı lıked the ıdea but I found it really hard to choose the pictures and write down a story about it. But for those who have an open imaginary, this would probably be more fun. I figured out that the storybird links are not working so I will just leave here all the pages of my story;


27 Mayıs 2020 Çarşamba


Hello! Today I am gonna talk about another application called Toontastic. With Toontastic 3D you can draw, animate, and narrate your own cartoons. It's as easy as play. Firstly you need to choose a setting and then your characters.

After choosing part, just move your characters around on screen, tell your story, and Toontastic records your voice and animations and stores it on your device as a 3D video. Toontastic is a powerful and playful way to create little lessons for your students. Which makes it useful for education. I also created a Toontastic which was easy and fun to do. I will share the link of my video below;

26 Mayıs 2020 Salı


Hello again! Today I am going to show another tool that can be useful for education; called Quizlet. we may say that it is similar to one of the tools that we mentioned before, Kahoot. As it can be understood from its name this tool lets you to create a quiz for your students. According to me, this one is so AMAZING!!! because of the process that comes after creating part. to create a Quizlet all you have to do is typing the topic, explanation of the quiz, and then the questions and the answers. You can also add photos to each question if you want

After creating your quizlet, it converts questions to learning, carts, writing, LISTENING-writing and test versions. AND THIS IS SO COOL!! 
For teachers, it can be created more effortlessly than other tools. and for the learners, I think this is so enjoyable.

I also created a Quizlet about the phrasal verbs. The link will be below just in case you want to check it;


Duolingo, Memrise, Busuu, Mondly

Hi! Today I'm going to share some applications that help you to learn a language; Duolingo, Memrise, Busuu. You have so many language options thanks to these applications. Duolingo has 23 different languages including Welsh.
All of these have some limited features for free but if you pay an exact amount of money you can get some more features. you start to learn the language gradually with the games, training, tasks, stories, etc. Some of them even have native teachers opportunities. 
Educators, for example, our German teacher has assigned us via one of these apps; Busuu. so it can be said that these tools are available for real classes too.
Among these the one that I am familiar with is Duolingo. 
I am trying to learn Spanish. Even though I did not improve a lot, I already can understand tiny things included in speeches. I think it really helps you to progress. 

I just did some training and read some of the stories and those were enough for me to feel as if I'm a Spanish machine. so if you coddle on it I believe that will make huge differences.
If you want you can try one of these applications on yourself. Good Luck!!!